
528 $ 18098 $ Apply

dimensioni opera

39 cm 238 cm

33 cm 338 cm

1 cm 13 cm



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Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Hardboard XVII-XVIII Century
Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Hardboard XVII-XVIII Century

Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Hardboard XVII-XVIII Century

Oil on oak panel. Flemish school of the 17th-18th century. The sacred representation shows the moment of the birth of Jesus in a cave, watched over and adored by Mary and Joseph together with four angels; the figures are well characterized and highlighted by bright colors, while behind them the donkey and the ox blend in with the chromatic uniformity of the cave and the earth. On the right, in the background and in soft colors, fading into the background landscape, the scene of the announcement to the shepherds is depicted. The painting is presented in a period frame.

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Winter Landscape Painting
Winter Landscape Painting

Winter Landscape Painting

Oil on canvas. The painting is inspired by the pictorial methods of Francesco Foschi (1710 -1780), an artist who specialized in landscapes and who widely spread the taste for winter landscapes. In this painting we have a glimpse of a mountain landscape, with a village located in a valley beneath rocky and snow-capped peaks. Even the houses and meadows are sprinkled with snow, which is absent on the path traveled by numerous figures; the pink atmosphere of the sky evokes the beginning of a new day, already fervent with activity. The painting has been restored and relined. It is presented in a mid-20th century frame.

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Antique Painting St. Joseph Oil on Canvas XVII-XVIII Century
Antique Painting St. Joseph Oil on Canvas XVII-XVIII Century

Antique Painting St. Joseph Oil on Canvas XVII-XVIII Century

Oil on canvas. Sweet depiction of the putative paternity of Saint Joseph, who delicately holds his little son in his arms, who in turn strokes his beard, while they tenderly look into each other's eyes. Peculiar is the detail of the white cloth with blue stripes that the saint holds with one hand and which corresponds to the Talled (or Tallit), or the Jewish shawl used by men for ritual prayers. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil on canvas. The scene depicts the episode told in the biblical book of Genesis, of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, after they committed the sin of eating the forbidden fruit, fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Aware of their nakedness, the man and woman are driven away by an archangel, with the sword of justice in his hand and surrounded by a cloud of fire, they walk shamefully and modestly into the world, represented in a Nordic landscape. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in an early 1900s frame, with carved and applied wooden decorations and friezes.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Large scene of the Nativity, which develops on two crossed lines: a vertical dimension centered on the architectural structure in bricks and straw, the stable that gave shelter to the family of Nazareth, over which the angels hover announcing the divine glory; horizontal dimension in the lower half, composed of a multitude of figures: in the center the Holy Family, on the two sides the shepherds who go to honor the Child, bringing their simple gifts in nature. Of simple and popular taste, the scene is placed on a poorly defined background. The painting has been restored and relined, but still has large losses of colour. In frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Italian school of the 17th century. According to iconographic tradition, Magdalene is depicted scantily clad, with her long hair loose, while she ecstatically contemplates the Crucifix which she holds in her arms here, with a loving attitude. In front of her, resting on a surface, three of her iconographic symbols: the meditation book, the skull, Memento mori par excellence, and the jar with the precious ointment with which the woman, according to the Gospel story, anointed the feet of Jesus , anticipation of both the death of Jesus and his royal role. The figure is placed on a dark, non-outlined background, from which she emerges with the light color of her complexion and the red of the cloth that surrounds her loins. The painting is on first canvas; has a small patch. It is presented in a stylish frame.

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Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century
Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century

Antique Painting Gallant Scene French School XVIII Century

French school. Mid 18th century

Oil on wooden board. French School. Mid-18th century. The scene depicts a party in a park enclosed by walls with arched openings that open onto the countryside, and decorated on the right with an amphora on a small column and in the center, behind the figures, with a gushing fountain, with statues of cherubs and shells. Two couples of richly dressed ladies and gentlemen are gallantly entertaining each other, surrounded by servants; one of the men is playing the violin, crouched in front of his lady who, flanked by the damsel, follows the melody on the score held by the black man at her side, while two musicians accompany the playing with the flute and a mandolin; the other couple, in an attitude of intimate dialogue, listens on the left, while on the right the hunter returning from the hunt also observes the scene. The painting is presented in a period frame.

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Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Grapes, figs, pomegranates and peaches on a capital

Antique Painting Signed Maximilian Pfeiler Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Grapes, figs, pomegranates and peaches on a capital

Oil on canvas. Signed ‘Max. PF.' on the upper frame of the capital. The still life consists of grapes, pomegranate and peaches placed on a capital, there is also a silver tray in the composition; in the background is a landscape with trees and ruins, on the left is a glimpse of a cerulean sky, barely veiled by clouds. Maximilian Pfeiler made a name for himself with his still lifes in which he placed an architectural fragment in the background of the flowers and fruit, already introducing the taste for ancient ruins that was to become fully established in the 18th century. The painting has been retouched and restored (minor repainting). It is presented in a frame.

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Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.
Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.

Penitent Magdalene, ca. 1750

Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas 1750 ca.

Penitent Magdalene, ca. 1750

Oil on canvas. The figure of Mary Magdalene is represented here, as per tradition, with long red hair; with a gesture of painful dedication she fixes her gaze on the crucifix, which she holds with her left hand pressed against her right arm, which in turn is folded in a sign of collected penitence. The whole body is rendered with a splendid counter-twist, which has the effect of making the viewer feel the tension of the moment experienced by the saint. On her left is visible the skull, her traditional attribute, and in the background one can glimpse the outline of the cave in which she is placed. The part of the body emerges, thanks to the intense luminosity of the arms, connected to the red ochre shades of the hair and face, thus also accentuating the erotic character of the scene, recalling the exuberant painting of Rubens, which had a great influence on Crespi's work. This captivating and delightful figure of the Magdalene follows the widespread trend in the 17th and 18th centuries to depict saints with an undertone of human sensuality, revealing the patrons' preference for sacred themes imbued with profane elements. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in a late 19th-early 20th century frame.

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Painting The Young Woman Sewing
Painting The Young Woman Sewing

Painting The Young Woman Sewing

Oil painting on canvas. On the left is a young commoner busy with sewing, attaching a button to a piece of fabric; on its right stands the bobbin, a traditional work tool used for making lace. The painting features extensive twentieth-century repaintings; there are also some slight tears necessary for restoration. It is presented in a re-adapted and re-lacquered frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The large scene depicts Mary, already Assumption into heaven and supported on the clouds by little angels, receiving the Crown from the Holy Trinity. This coronation expresses the apotheosis of Mary, who by becoming "Queen of Heaven" becomes the intermediary between the earth, Humanity, and Heaven, the Divinity: what is not given to man to see becomes possible through Mary who in this glorification is more than ever the tenacious thread that binds us to the Almighty, the true "gate of heaven", as it is defined by the Fathers of the Church. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in an early 20th century frame.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The Saint, in the foreground, is depicted on his knees, adoring the Crucifix which he holds with one hand, while the other points downwards at the skull, the traditional "Memento mori". The figure is placed inside a cave, from whose opening you can glimpse an arid and barren landscape; the light enters from a hole in the rock and radiates linearly on the Cross to reach the face of the Saint. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a 19th century wooden frame.

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Female Portrait Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century
Female Portrait Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century

Female Portrait Oil on Canvas Italy XVIII Century

Oil on canvas. Venetian school of the eighteenth century. The portrait proposes the figure of a young woman wearing an everyday dress, but embellished with spotted fur edges; curiously, with the raised arm she flaunts a fur muff tucked over one hand, probably a habit to underline a fashion of the time. The painting shows signs of restoration, with conservation of the original canvas, although reassembled on a new frame. It is presented in a coeval oval frame, but surmounted by a wooden frieze added at a later time.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. The biblical scene depicts the Holy Family with Mary sitting on the donkey, newborn Jesus in her arms and Joseph pulling the animal, as they flee from Nazareth, headed for Egypt, to escape Herod's persecution. Some little angels hover above them. The gazes of the angels, Joseph and Mary tenderly converge on the Child. In the background a Nordic landscape. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century
Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Antique Painting Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Central Italian school of the 17th century. According to the iconographic tradition, also in this painting the guardian angel is depicted as a winged young man who accompanies a child along a stretch of road, indicating the sky as the destination of the journey. The winged figure stands out and dominates the scene, lively in its colours, powerful in the physical strength it emanates, albeit sweet in its delicately protective attitude towards the child, whose small figure is enveloped in the limbs of its guardian. The scene is enclosed within a garland of bright and colorful flowers, which give color to the figures, otherwise placed in a dark and almost monochrome landscape. The depiction of characters, mainly religious, enclosed in floral frames had great development especially in Rome, linked to names such as Giovanni Stanchi (1608 -1675), rather than Mario Nuzzi known as Mario de' Fiori (1603 -1673), and others. The painting, restored and relined, is presented in a strip frame.

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Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Landscape Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Central European school of the 18th century. A river landscape is proposed near a village, with a small bridge in the center that crosses the watercourse, and populated by numerous popular figures, with typically Northern European characteristics due to their fleshy features and cunning and curious expressions. They are engaged in everyday activities related to fishing: in the center a man exposes his catch to a couple, guaranteeing, through the gesture of his arm, its fresh origin; in front of him a child overturns a tub of fish and water snakes while another fisherman, further back, also sells his goods. Two other men, standing in the water, haul in their nets; A shepherdess passes over the bridge with her child and goat. w sitting in the foreground on the right, a woman observes the scene. Restored and relined, the painting is presented in a period frame.

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Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century
Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century

Antique Painting Flemish Landscape Oil on Hardboard XVI Century

Oil on walnut board. Flemish school of the 16th century. The painting presents a landscape characterized by a tall leafy plant in the centre, which vertically divides the scene into two parts, rising from the brown and dark earth in the foreground, towards the horizon of wooded blue hills, which then fade into a chromatic continuum in the sky above, interrupted by the thick foliage of the tree. The scene in the foreground is animated by various figurines of walking characters, scattered across the countryside. The chromatic choices are peculiar, the browns and blues, which together with the type of landscape and the figures refer to Flemish painting; moreover, the use of a walnut panel testifies to a Flemish artist working in Italy, where this pictorial support, unusual in Northern Europe, was used. The painting is presented in a contemporary frame.

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Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century
Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century

The Penitent Magdalene and St. John the Baptist

Pair of Antique Paintings on Slate Religious Subject XVII Century

The Penitent Magdalene and St. John the Baptist

Oil on slate. Two examples of oil painting on stone are proposed here, a pictorial genre that was particularly popular in the Venetian Republic between the 16th and 17th centuries, in its form of oil painting on blackboard or touchstone. The choice of such a dark stone as a background is not only linked to practical reasons (the proximity of the mines of Brescia and Val Brembana), but, as our two works clearly demonstrate, the emergence of the figures from the dark background responds to the light also full to the new needs of the painting of the time, which in the climate of the Counter-Reformation, tended to express not only the idealized existential certainties of the full Renaissance, but also the anxieties and the opening up to new phases, already tending with Tintoretto towards greater attention to reality and luministic contrasts, to then flow overwhelmingly into seventeenth-century research strongly focused on the contrasting combination of light and shadow. The two works presented here, well within the production of the Venetian area of ​​the first decades of the 17th century, propose two figures of saints, both hermits, placed on a dark, barely visible naturalistic background. The figure of Magdalene emerges from the darkness, leaning to follow the curve of the stone support; she is depicted looking questioningly towards the darkness, as if in a listening attitude, her left hand raised and the other resting on the remarkably shortened "memento mori". In front of her a scourge and the jar of ointment. Painted en pendant, Saint John the Baptist is represented as a young man, with a lamb at his feet, in his hand the processional cross with the banner "ecce agnus dei", while with his right hand he draws from the water source, recalling the episode that will see Jesus Christ baptized. In both paintings the figures stand out in a strong and incisive way thanks to the black that characterizes the slate plaque on which they are depicted. The two paintings, in an oval format, are presented in black wooden frames, from the late 19th century.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XVIII Century

Oil painting on canvas. Venetian school of the late 18th century. The large painting tells the evangelical episode of the meeting between Saint Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist, and Mary, waiting for Jesus, but inserted in a larger choral scene: it is placed on a large staircase, probably that of the temple in where Zechariah, Elizabeth's husband, was a priest, and a crowd of figures, and is animated by a crowd of figures, among which several women with children and families stand out. Detail in the foreground on the left is the figure with a little boy attached to his legs, who looks towards the viewer, indicating with a broad gesture of his arm the central event, the meeting between the two holy women. The colors stand out, which according to the Venetian pictorial tradition, are founding elements of the scenes, which underline the figures and fade into the different three-dimensional planes. Relined and restored, the canvas has a slight crack on the left. It is presented in a gilded frame from the late 19th century.

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Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XIX Century
Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Antique Painting with Religious Subject Oil on Canvas XIX Century

Oil painting on canvas. The large painting recalls the pictorial methods of the 17th century but is from a later period, and was created on a canvas applied to an older one. The scene tells the biblical episode (taken from the Book of Kings) widely narrated pictorially, depicting the bath of Bathsheba, the wife of General Uriah, in the service of King David. According to the biblical story, David is on the terrace of his palace when he notices the woman bathing in the garden of her home, surrounded by her handmaids. Davide falls in love with her and seduces her, making her pregnant. To hide the crime, he recalls General Uriah from the front, to make him lie down with his wife, but Uriah does not want to leave his soldiers; then David sends him to fight on the front line hoping that he will be killed: this happens and David can marry Bathsheba, but he will be punished by God for the adultery and impiety committed. The painting shows the moment in which Bathsheba, having just come out of the bathroom, while she is reflected in the mirror held by a slave girl, and surrounded by other servants, reads the note that King David sent her; the latter appears at the top right, overlooking the terrace. The scene is dominated by female figures intertwined with each other, in a tangle of clothes and fabrics, and surrounded by flowers from the garden; in the center stands the mirror in a rich golden frame. The painting has a patch at the bottom right. It is presented in an antique gilded frame.

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